Friday, April 22, 2011

"I did it...myyy waaaayyy"........

  So I'm thinking I may just have an itsy bitsy teeny weeny tiny touch of...OCD. Not anything serious like hoarding 49 pairs of grimy work socks in case I have 49 days of grimy work. That would be over the top. I only have about 36. Or so, but whose counting?

  OK...I'm counting. I'm frigging counting all the time. Lately I've been counting at the gas pump, watching the little digital numbers fly by with mind numbing speed, hoping I don't get distracted by that damnable sign on the pump advertising that delicious looking chicken biscuit...which I like to call "Bisquet de Salchida." Because if I get distracted I might miss stopping on AN EXACT DOLLAR AMOUNT. Not $20.01 or $40.03. It must be AN EXACT DOLLAR AMOUNT. And God forbid I should forget to hit the "Clear" button when I am done debiting. We have all seen those interweb stories of people stealing MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of our accounts...Not me, Mr. Pump Scanner Guy...

  But let's get back to the house. In our silverware drawer we have 2 different types of spoons. These are forbidden to ever co-mingle. Spoons with flowery design have their slot, and spoons with lines on them have their spot. Putting these 2 in the same slot would instantly open a portal to hell. And of course I, like everybody else, rotates my dishes. When they come out of the dishwasher the clean plates have to go under the not as clean plates...because as everyone knows you have to rotate your dishes so they will wear evenly. Duh...! And I am a recycling Nazi. If you ever come to my house & throw a cardboard toilet paper tube in the trash, you will receive a sound thrashing...

  And did I mention my Power Underwear? (capitalized for emphasis) I know that you know what I know. If you have an important meeting or a job interview or possible sexy time you search through your underwear drawers for that just right non saggy tight elastic no skid mark pair of perfect undies. Perfect undies are power my friends! You all know this. I was nearly late to my own wedding because of a boxer malfunction.

   So there you have it. And after going back & reading all of this...I'm starting to think I may be crazier than Catherine Zeta-Jones...



  1. and not nearly as hot, to continue the final thought....

  2. Dennis, could you come over and organize my cabinets, drawers, and closets, please?!!
