Friday, March 4, 2011

The continuing saga of the "Worlds Worst Neighbor"

This is a true story. The name has been changed to protect the ignorant. You can call him Dimmy Mouthbreatho if you'd like. He is a mullet haired beady eyed 40ish guy with a penchant for tank tops & Doc Maartens. His life is stuck in about 1984. He & his family moved into our neighborhood shortly after we moved into our new house. Not long after, the compound went up. As you can probably guess, there no front yard fences on our street, especially not the stockade type. This made it convenient for him to throw his 3 pit bulls poop over the fence into the neighbors yard. Every morning. This is a pic of Me & Cooper riding by the earliest version of the compound.

This is a nice pic of his pipe that runs his dirty laundry water down his driveway & out into the street. We have called code enforcement & other agencies but nothing seems to stop it. His septic system is so bad he has to have it pumped every few months so he won't run his gray water in there like the rest of us have to. With 2 fat parents & 2 fat kids it's no wonder their system is clogged.

Here is their nasty gray water running down the street. One day, right about in this spot, I saw him pressure washing...the street. For hours. What the hell is he doing I wondered. Later that evening when we took Pepper for a walk we saw F**K YOU etched across the street. That takes some dedication, folks.

Here's a pic of the front of the lot we own (next to our house) that is directly across from his house. For awhile he was burning out his tires in the grass...making sure to stay on the county right of way & not actually on our property because he is a little bitch that way. Eventually the county came out & put up 3 metal posts. Dimmy backed into them & bent them. So the county fixed them. So Dimmy just stole them in the middle of the night. The county has apparently given up.

So here's what I did. I created what we like to call "Dimmy Island." I just don't cut the grass there. He just washes all the crap out of the compound into that spot anyways, I'm not picking it up. You should really see Dimmy Island in the summertime though, it has a much better & taller collection of weeds. Speaking of crap...a bear this week got into their trash & spread it all over our lot. I went down & cleaned it up. As you can tell in the pics, Dimmy keeps his overflowing trash pit on the OUTSIDE of the compound, convenient for Mr. Bear to come again the next damn morning & throw more garbage around our lot. This time I pin a note to their gate "Please clean up your trash. Thanks." I left for work & Karan saw them look at the note and...throw it in the trash. After countless visits by our local Sheriffs dept., we have been advised to let them handle this lunatic. So I called them. The trash got picked up...

This is a pic that is hard to explain, but I'll try. Since he is fighting with every neighbor on every side he decided to lash out. I think, since he thinks that the neighbors are fairly conservative & religious, that this would....frighten them? Make them angry? Who knows. All I know is he trespassed on their property & spray painted their fence. But in his mind, it's his fence. I don't even think he's for Obama. Cops came...did nothing as usual.

But what I didn't realize was how fiendishly diabolical & clever this moron is. He trespassed in the other neighbors yard & did the same thing...only backwards! Oh my God, Satan is loose on our street & is writing backwards all Satanically like! Yeah....Satan is on our street all right. The neighbor on this side finally just moved out. He wore her down... is what the compound looks like today. The fence is painted where it's easy to reach, and not where it's not. Trash cans still on the outside. Beware of dog signs everywhere. Notice the handy pit bull rope swing hanging from the tree. They come in & out of these gates of hell at least 40 times a day. Squeak, squeak all day long. Did I mention the speeding down the road, tearing down the neighbors "deaf child" sign, loud music, drug deliveries, shining headlights in windows at 5 AM, and in general just the negative vibe of this guy? Oh, and that he doesn't work, seems to have unlimited funds, and everything is in his Mommy's name.

I just ignore him mostly nowadays. You can't have a war with a deranged person, there is no end game. So I just mind my own business....and occasionally let Pepper poop on his grass...


  1. What a nightmare. Maybe the cops would appreciate it if you firebombed the whole compound? I mean, sure, murder is illegal and stuff... Unless the police are on your side.

  2. The cops are worse than useless...a sheriff actually saw him throw his dogs crap into the neighbors yard and did NOTHING!!! They don't want to deal with this psycho any more than we do. Dennis didn't even mention the gas powered scooters the kids have...noisy, smelly, polluting things, up and down the street for hours...OY Vey...we call the cops but Dimmy has a police scanner so as soon as the cop are dispatched, the noisy, smelly polluting things go into the compound...Worst Neighbor Ever indeed.

  3. Pepper (and you) rock! Sorry you have to deal with this. I haven't seen Obama's name used for hate rhetoric though, that is a new one!!

  4. We should have bought that house.... our poop is better.
