Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Delicate Subject of...Manscaping...

 See...this is why I don't allow my mother in law access to my stuff. How in the hell would I ever explain this?

   Manscaping...it seems to be all the rage. No, I haven't been surveying my male friends or anything. That would be a little gay. Plus they're all married & never get sex anyways...what would be the point of shaving their pubes? "Look Honey, Mr. Pokey got a haircut!" But occasionally when I am clicking around on the interwebs I will inadvertently come across porn (that's what she said) and the guys are usually shaved. 

   But why? Do girls prefer this or do guys do it to gain a little extra if you know what I mean & I know that you do. I do trim myself but very reasonably. I have spent a lot of time in hockey locker rooms showering with men. And sometimes I'm even playing. If you bring your shaved Johnson in a hockey locker room you might just get your metrosexual ass beat...

   Now like I said, I don't look at porn because it's icky & wrong & runs up my charge card way too much. But one time I was innocently looking for some cute kitty pictures & came across a large collection of daginas. To my horror & despite my haste to close down this vile link I noticed that most of the girls were shaved.

   I don't understand this compulsion to want to look like a prepubescent girl. If men find this sexy...is this a comment on what men are really looking for or just a societal phenomenon? Look...I don't want a girl who looks like Don King just woke up in her underpants...but I don't want Dora the Explorer either. Nicely trimmed & smelling like a bouquet of roses is just fine with me...

   So there you have it. I am not afraid to tackle the tough issues. Now please excuse me because I have to go buy a new razor. This Norelco with the rotating heads is killing me...

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